After all, it is often necessary to cover long distances as well as occasionally reach locations without barrier-free access. In cases such as these, our Medical Transport Service is at your side: superbly equipped in technical terms, our vehicles allow us to carry out medical, wheelchair and stretcher transports as well as get you to your desired location safely.
Our Driving Service also has vehicles which have been equipped to facilitate stretcher transport. We are thus able to transport people in a lying position if necessary. Attendants will bring you from your pick-up location to the vehicle as well as from the vehicle to your examination on special transport stretchers.
Our Medical Transport Service won’t just transport you to medical facilities. We’re also there for you in other life situations. Whether you’re planning a shopping trip or a holiday, our superbly equipped vehicles will always take you to your destination. We are also happy to take you to locations abroad. For you, no route is to far with us.
h.i. Med GmbH
Johannes-Rau-Allee 17
45889 Gelsenkirchen
Telefon: +49 209-70279599
Johannes-Rau-Allee 17 | 45889 Gelsenkirchen
T +49 209-70279599
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